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Consideration of the impact of immediate calls to action within gambling advertising

Author: S. Gainsbury & A. Blaszczynski Published: July 2017


This report by Sally Gainsbury and Alex Blaszczynski, commissioned by GambleAware, examines the potential impact of immediate calls to action in gambling advertisements. It reviews relevant research and theory to assess how such calls may influence consumer behaviour.

Topics covered

  • effectiveness of calls to action in advertising
  • impact on different consumer groups
  • relationship to ease and immediacy of gambling access
  • lack of empirical evidence specific to gambling ads

Key findings

Calls to action in gambling ads are likely most influential for existing gamblers. The simple, urgent language can be persuasive, particularly for those struggling to control their gambling.

While empirical evidence is limited, theory suggests calls prompting immediate, easy actions may bypass critical thinking and lead to impulsive betting.

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