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Gambling harms assessment

Who are you completing this for?

We need this information so we can ask you the right questions and show you relevant advice.

Do you ever feel worried about your gambling?

If you're feeling worried, you're not alone. This is a good first step to getting support.

Is your gambling causing you any difficulties?

For example relationship, financial or health difficulties.
Please specify which difficulties
Please specify which difficulties

Do you feel you need to keep gambling with larger amounts of money?

Noticing feelings like this can be worrying. We have support to help you keep on top of this.

Have you ever gambled with more than you could afford to lose?

This could mean you have gambled more money than you have, causing yourself to have debt.

Have you ever tried to win back money you've lost gambling?

This could include trying to win back the money later the same day, or another day.

Have you ever hidden anything about your gambling?

For example, the amount of money you’ve lost or won, or the time spent playing.

Could you tell us a little bit about you?

All fields are optional, and all information is anonymous.

All fields are optional, and all information is anonymous. Why are we asking this?

How old is the person who gambles?

We need to know this information so that we can provide you the right support.

Do you ever feel worried about their gambling?

If you're feeling worried, you're not alone. This is a good first step to getting support.

Is their gambling causing you any difficulties?

For example relationship, financial or health difficulties.
Please specify which difficulties
Please specify which difficulties

Do you feel they're gambling with more than they can afford to lose?

This could mean they have gambled more money than they have, causing themselves to have debt.

Do you feel they have a negative relationship with gambling?

A negative relationship with gambling might include spending lots of time and money gambling or feeling guilty, anxious, or irritable.

Could you tell us a little bit about you?

All fields are optional, and all information is anonymous.

All fields are optional, and all information is anonymous. Why are we asking this?

All answers provided are anonymous

Is this page useful?

However you’re feeling right now, we’re here to help.

The National Gambling Support Network helps people struggling with gambling, and people who are worried about someone else’s gambling.

Call or chat online to an advisor, and speak one-to-one for confidential advice, information and support.

Delivered by GamCare.

Available 24/7 • Great Britain only

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