Gambling spend calculator
Question 1
In a typical week, how many days do you gamble on?

Gambling includes things like sports betting, scratch cards, bingo and casino games.
All answers provided are anonymous
In a typical week, approximately how much time do you spend gambling?

All answers provided are anonymous
In a typical week, which gambling activities do you spent money on?

Select all that apply.
All answers provided are anonymous
In a typical week, approximately how much money did you spend on gambling?

All answers provided are anonymous
What is your total income?
By total income, we mean any money you earn, or are given. We will use this to work out your 1% limit in line with the Lower Risk Gambling Guidelines.
By total income, we mean any money you earn, or are given. We will use this to work out your 1% limit in line with the Lower Risk Gambling Guidelines.
Select income period
What are the LRGGs?
The LRGGs are internationally recognised guidelines which state you should follow all three of the below limits to reduce your risk of gambling harm.
Gamble no more than 1% of your income*
Gamble on no more than 4 days per month
Avoid more than 2 types of gambling per month
To reduce your risk you must follow all three limits. These guidelines apply to those over 18 only. *Household income per month before tax.
All answers provided are anonymous
Could you tell us a little bit about you?
All fields are optional, and all information is anonymous.
All fields are optional, and all information is anonymous. Why are we asking this?
Why are we asking this?
Understanding who uses our website helps us to make sure we're offering the best support to the people and areas of Great Britain who need it most.
All answers provided are anonymous
The legal age for gambling in Great Britain is 18. This tool is not suitable for anyone under 18. If you're under 18 and need help with gambling, contact the helpline or live chat for support.

What are the LRGGs?
The LRGGs are internationally recognised guidelines which state you should follow all three of the below limits to reduce your risk of gambling harm.
Gamble no more than 1% of your income*
Gamble on no more than 4 days per month
Avoid more than 2 types of gambling per month
To reduce your risk you must follow all three limits. These guidelines apply to those over 18 only. *Household income per month before tax.
Why are we asking this?
Understanding who uses our website allows us to make sure we are offering the best support to the people and areas who need it most.
All answers are anonymous and will not be shared. This tool is a guide and should not be used for diagnostic purposes or as a substitute for treatment.
The legal age for gambling in Great Britain is 18. This tool is not suitable for anyone under 18. If you're under 18 and need help with gambling, contact the helpline on 0808 8020 133 or launch the live chat for support.
However you’re feeling right now, we’re here to help.
The National Gambling Support Network helps people struggling with gambling, and people who are worried about someone else’s gambling.
Call or chat online to an advisor, and speak one-to-one for confidential advice, information and support.
Delivered by GamCare.
Available 24/7 • Great Britain only
Chat with an adviser
The National Gambling Helpline’s live chat is free and confidential. If you’re ready to talk, the team are here to listen, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
The live chat is delivered by GamCare and only available to people in England, Scotland and Wales. If you’d prefer to speak to an adviser over the phone, call 0808 8020 133. For information on how GamCare collect and process data, read the GamCare privacy policy.
Information dialog
It looks like you’re outside the GB
Unfortunately, this service is for Great Britain residents only. You can find out more about international support here.