Gordon Moody Association
England, Wales, ScotlandProviders might offer support outside of these hours. The free National Gambling Helpline is also available 24/7 on 0808 8020 133.
Gordon Moody is the UK’s leading charity dedicated to providing residential treatment and support for those most affected by gambling related harms, through recovery in a safe, supported environment.
Their specialist approach and experience since 1971 has allowed them to develop treatment interventions that are purely gambling focused, whilst also addressing the extremes of the associated behaviours typically experienced by people affected by gambling related harms. They are a force of healing and hope for individuals, families and communities affected by gambling related harms.
Support styles
- Retreats and counselling at residential centres
- A residential relapse prevention and aftercare programme
- One-to-one sessions with a practitioner
- Peer support
- Group sessions
- Counselling support for family and friends
Support settings
- Residential centres at specified locations
- Face-to-face
Service benefits
- A comfortable, supportive environment to help you achieve your goals.
- All interventions are tailored to your needs, and recovery focus builds on your strengths and capacity to flourish.
Additional information
- Offering both female and male specific separate retreat programmes.
- The waiting list can vary depending on the time of year but the average is four to six weeks.
- Treatment length is between 6 and 14 weeks depending on the programme chosen. Combining a short-stay residential with at-home counselling support.
- Gambling treatment is free but there is an overall cost for your stay with Gordon Moody. If you are eligible for state benefits, then you may have almost your entire treatment costs met through Housing Benefit payments. You will still be liable for a small weekly personal service charge of around £10.

National Gambling Support Network
This service is part of the National Gambling Support Network (NGSN) which provides free, confidential and personalised support for anyone affected by gambling. On average, NGSN services can offer treatment within 5 to 9 working days of receiving the request.