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Over 100,000 people complete new online self-assessment tool to manage impact of gambling harm

4th Apr 2024 Press release Prevention programmes

Latest data shows GambleAware initiatives successfully drive people towards prevention services

  • In less than a year, more than 100,000 individuals have used GambleAware's online self-assessment tool. Among them, roughly one in four (28,000) sought further support from a trained advisor.
  • Uptake of the online tool also aligns with a notable 20% rise in individuals receiving support through GambleAware-commissioned National Gambling Support Network (NGSN). 
  • New online tool was released to align with the launch of GambleAware’s leading stigma campaign ‘Let’s Open Up About Gambling’, which reached tens of millions of people as part of coordinated drive to reduce barriers in accessing support and treatment services, with over 50% taking proactive steps to prevent gambling harm.
  • More than 8,000 professionals across other sectors have been trained to identify the signs of gambling harm, as part of comprehensive approach to prevention.

Increasing numbers of people are accessing support for gambling harms after engaging with prevention initiatives, new data from GambleAware, the leading charity commissioning gambling harm prevention and treatment services, has revealed.

Latest figures reveal GambleAware’s online self-assessment tool – designed to help people understand how gambling might be harming them, and direct them to tailored support – was completed by over 100,000 people since launching in April 2023. Of these, roughly 28,000 contacted the National Gambling Helpline – on the phone or the live chat tool – for additional support and information from a trained advisor.

The uptake in the use of the tool aligns with increasing numbers accessing treatment and support through the GambleAware-commissioned National Gambling Support Network (NGSN). This includes a 20% rise in people receiving extended early intervention support1 – involving at least a 20 to 30-minute consultation with a trained advisor. In addition, the number of people contacting the NGSN for initial general advice and information on gambling harms has more than doubled2.

The increase in uptake of prevention initiatives comes as the betting and gaming industry’s revenues continued to rise, with the most recent figures from the Gambling Commission showing they had reached £15.1bn in the year to March 2023.

Zoë Osmond, CEO of GambleAware, said: “The figures released today underscore the critical role third-sector services play as part of a whole-system-approach to addressing gambling harms.

“As we approach the Government’s planned announcement around the structure of the new system, it’s imperative a comprehensive prevention-led approach is prioritised,  including increased investment into free, confidential support services, educational initiatives, public health campaigns and digital resources,  which allow for a tailored approach for all communities across Great Britain who need our support.”

The self-assessment tool was launched at the same time as GambleAware’s leading public health campaign to tackle the stigma around gambling harms, ‘Let’s Open Up About Gambling’. The campaign, which reached nearly 30 million people, formed part of a coordinated drive to reduce barriers for accessing treatment and support, and promote gambling harms prevention.

Alexia Clifford, Chief Communications Officer at GambleAware, said: “We are encouraged to note the impact of this important campaign – with more than half of our target audience (56%) responding by taking proactive steps, such as reducing gambling, monitoring activity3, and engaging in open discussions about their concerns. These figures show the critical importance of prevention and early intervention in safeguarding individuals from the harms of gambling."

The past year has also seen a record 24% rise in calls to the GambleAware-commissioned National Gambling Helpline – pointing to growing demand and a pressing need to prioritise a holistic response to address societal impact of gambling. This includes investing in grassroots education and training to help address gambling harms within the local communities.

As part of its commitment to increase local frontline capacity, GambleAware has trained more than 8,000 professionals across different sectors to recognise and assist those who may be experiencing gambling harm4.

Laura Mallis, Project Coordinator for Citizens Advice Scotland Gambling Support Service said: “At Citizens Advice Scotland, we’ve witnessed firsthand the profound and diverse impact gambling harms can have on our clients. The training and upskilling our advisers and volunteers have received from the Gambling Support Service has transformed our response and equipped us with the ability to recognize relevant signs and offer more meaningful support. It's sobering to realize how deeply these issues affect individuals, extending far beyond finances into their mental health and relationships. We're truly grateful for this partnership with GambleAware, as it enables us to make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most."

If you’re worried about how gambling makes you feel, we can help. For free and confidential advice, tools and support, search GambleAware or contact the National Gambling Helpline, available 24/7, on 0808 8020 133.


Michelle, 51, Essex, who supported her son through his experience of gambling harms as an ‘affected other’, said: “Gambling harm can affect anyone and it took control of my son and my life for over 15 years. When my son first started gambling, there was very little help out there. Nowadays, there are so many important charities doing amazing work to prevent gambling harm – but those services need to be protected because the issue is widespread and is not going anywhere. 
“We also desperately need greater collaboration across sectors – addiction, debt advice, homelessness, health and more – so experts everywhere are trained and prepared to identify gambling harm and signpost them to the support they need, before it becomes more serious.”
Alper Muduroglu, 54, London, who has lived experience of gambling harms, said: “Gambling harm and addiction is still not taken seriously enough as a health issue – too many people ask questions like ‘why can’t you just stop?’ Attitudes like that lead to more stigma and stop people from opening up and seeking the support they desperately need.

“I am living proof that there is always hope that you can live a full and happy life after gambling, but we need to protect the services set up by amazing charities to support people – prevention is particularly important so people can stop gambling before they experience the more serious consequences like I did.”

Ben Howard, who has lived experience of gambling harms, said: “For many years I struggled with gambling and I found recovery through the National Gambling Support Network. From this I was able to build a strong network of pre-support and treatment in under 48 hours, as well as sustained aftercare which I still use today in my fourth year of recovery. The NGSN not only provided me with life-changing guidance, but saved me from suicide in 2020. That’s why third sector prevention services are so important and why they must be protected - to help all those people who still need to be reached and encouraged to seek support.”


Notes to Editor

1.    The number of people starting Extended Brief Interventions (EBIs) increased from 1,111 in Q3 22/23 to 1,348 in Q3 23/24.  Extended Brief Interventions offer more comprehensive and prolonged support for individuals, exploring more motivational based interactions and interventions. 
2.    The data from the National Gambling Support Network, commissioned by GambleAware, showed number of people supported via Brief Interventions increased by 113% - from 1,597 in Q1 23/24 to 3,396 in Q3 23/24. Brief Interventions involve short-term strategies aimed at addressing gambling harms, which are typically for more moderate concerns. 
3.    Fieldwork was conducted between 9 June and 22 June 2023, with a sample of around 1,200 individuals aged 18-44 who have gambled in the last 4 weeks. Data was weighted (by age, gender, work status and region) back to the known population profile of GB.
4.    In 2023, 4,303 staff were trained across Citizens Advice Scotland and Citizens Advice England and Wales, while 3,259 professionals have been trained across 431 training sessions for the women’s gambling harm prevention programme so far in 2023/24, across various sectors, and the Scottish Gambling Education Hub has trained 576 professionals in 2023/24. 

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