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Guidance for researchers

If you’re a researcher interested in applying for GambleAware funding, we have several pieces of guidance to support you. We also have information on our evaluation procedures.

Our guidance sets out our ways of working and our expectations for research. We aim to:

  • promote collaboration
  • ensure high quality and rigour in research delivery and published findings
  • increase the take-up of new knowledge to help prevent and reduce gambling harms
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Research and evaluation dissemination statement

This statement sets out our approach to research and evaluation dissemination.
This statement sets out our approach to research and evaluation dissemination.

GambleAware open code statement

We have adopted an open research model to make sure that the research we fund is transparent and accessible. This will achieve the greatest impact while ensuring the highest confidence in commissioned work. 
We have adopted an open research model to make sure that the research we fund is transparent and accessible. This will achieve the greatest impact while ensuring the highest confidence in commissioned work. 

Evaluation protocol

This protocol makes sure we have a robust framework for evaluation which builds the evidence base to inform future projects and programmes. 
This protocol makes sure we have a robust framework for evaluation which builds the evidence base to inform future projects and programmes. 

Guidelines for working with people with lived experience

These guidelines set out our expectations for how research and evaluation is conducted when it is for, by, or with people who have experienced gambling harms.

These guidelines set out our expectations for how research and evaluation is conducted when it is for, by, or with people who have experienced gambling harms.

Report review guidelines

These guidelines set out our report review process, including timescales, the roles and responsibilities of each reviewer and specific guidelines for the external peer reviewer.

These guidelines set out our report review process, including timescales, the roles and responsibilities of each reviewer and specific guidelines for the external peer reviewer.

Research publication guidelines

These guidelines help to promote quality and consistency across our research programmes. 
These guidelines help to promote quality and consistency across our research programmes. 

Apply for funding

If you’re interested in applying for funding, view our funding opportunities. 

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