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GambleAware is a charity and leading strategic commissioner. We use an outcomes-focused systematic commissioning process.

Strategic Commissioning 

We are an independent charity working to reduce gambling harms, and the strategic commissioner of gambling harm prevention and treatment across Great Britain. By understanding and assessing the needs of the population and engaging with stakeholders, as well as people with lived experience, we determine priorities, allocate resources and develop commissioning outcomes.  

Focused on better outcomes we: 

  • Procure a range of evidence-informed, high-quality services based on the needs of population 
  • Generate robust and independent evidence through our research, evaluation and monitoring functions  
  • Use robust governance processes or procurement, monitoring and evaluation 
  • Provide service users with the choice on when and how they access support  
  • Establish pilot and proof of concept services to prove what works best for people  
  • Deliver regular reports, public accountability and robust evaluation 

Dual-funding policy

GambleAware has robust governance processes in place to guarantee independence from the gambling industry. It is vital this independence and separation from the gambling industry is reflected across all our commissioned activity. This is why GambleAware will not fund services, programmes or projects that are also funded by direct industry donations.

Whilst organisations we fund and work with are not prevented from applying for, or accepting industry funding, it is essential GambleAware is provided with complete assurance that there is clear separation of industry funding from its own. Our due diligence processes require the organisations we fund to provide assurances that they have robust governance processes in place to ensure that no cross funding occurs at the service, programme or project level. This requirement extends to organisational overheads.  

How to apply for funding 

Through an outcomes-focused systematic commissioning process, we define, prioritise and plan a range of interventions against specific outcomes. We will then consider the most appropriate route to market to enable delivery including contracting services, awarding grants, partnerships and co-production.  

We do not consider ad-hoc funding requests. We welcome potential applicants to look on our website and social media channels for advertised opportunities of funding. The outcome of competitive processes will be published on our website.   

If you wish to receive notification of tenders and funding rounds, please email us at and request to be added to our procurement mailing list.  

Procurement and Route to Market 

We deliver activity through a range of routes to market. Find out more about our live funding rounds and tender opportunities. 


Active Projects

Contract nameSupplier
Researching Stigmatisation and Discrimination of People who Experience Gambling Harms in Great BritainNatCen, University of Wolverhampton
Merged Surveys Annual Treatment and Support Survey & National Gambling Treatment Service Campaign Monitoring SurveyYouGov
Residential Rehabilitation for Complex/Co-morbid Clients Adferiad Recovery
Geography of GamblingUniversity College London
PhD 2.0 programmeQueen Mary University of London, University of Birmingham, Cardiff University, University of Wolverhampton
Gambling Support Service ScotlandCitizens Advice Scotland
Primary Care Gambling ServiceThe Hurley Group
Lived Experience Capacity Building (GLEN)Expert Link
Aftercare Funding ProgrammeARA Recovery4all, Beacon Counselling Trust, GamCare, Epic Restart Foundation, Citizen's Advice Brighton & Hove, Citizen's Advice Wirral, ACTA, Cyrenians, Steps to Work, Veteran's Aid
Aftercare Fund Evaluation and Learning PartnerIpsos
Academic Research Hub for the Prevention of Gambling HarmsUniversity of Bristol
National Gambling Support Network Helpline GamCare
National Gambling Support Network Partner Network Quality Assurance (System Co-ordinator)GamCare
National Gambling Support NetworkAdferiad Recovery, GamCare, Gordon Moody, NECA, BetKnowMore, ARA Recovery4All, Primary Care Gambling Service, Beacon Counselling Trust, Breakeven, RCA
Effective interventions for the treatment of gambling that is associated with harm: Scoping study NatCen
Moblilising Local Systems Evaluation and Learning Partner Tavistock
Safer Gambling Messaging GuidelinesLucky Generals
Public Affairs Strategy Extension WA Communications 
Community Resilience Fund (Continuation funding)Al Hurraya, Blackburn Foodbank, Big Issue, Coram's Fields, Epic Restart Foundation, Hull FC Community Foundation, Reframe Coaching, Shama Women's Centre, Yellow Scarf, Prison Radio Association, Simon Community Scotland
Scottish Gambling Education HubFast Forward
Research: Minority Communities Lived ExperienceIpsos
Community Resilience Fund EvaluationIpsos 
Data Reporting FrameworkViewIt
Inspection Regime Pilot ProgrammeCare Quality Commission
Affected, Lived Experience, Research, Treatment and Support (ALERTS) 2024/5ALERTS Community Interest Company
GambleAware Branding Research Charity Index
GP Awareness TrainingRoyal College of General Practitioners
Deployment and Management ServiceData analytics platform Analytium



Agency Framework Agreement Flipside
Agency Framework Agreement Lucky Generals
Agency Framework Agreement OmniGov
Agency Framework Agreement Freuds
Evaluation and Strategy FrameworkAlma Economics, Apteligen Ltd, Clear Impact Consulting Ltd, Cordis Bright, Ecorys UK Ltd, Behavioural Insights Team, Europe Economics, Eden Stanley, Health Economics Unit, IFF Research, Ipsos, ICF Consulting Services Ltd, New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), Social Finance Ltd, NatCen (The National Centre for Social Research), The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Myriad Research, National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), Rocket Science. 
Brand and Advertising FrameworkAlma Economics, Bournemouth University, BritainThinks, IFF Research, Ipsos, Kantar, SLS Insight & Planning Ltd

Regulatory Settlement Funding 

The Gambling Commission has allocated regulatory settlement funding to GambleAware in accordance with their Statement of Principles for determining financial penalties.  

In keeping with the Gambling Commission’s Statement of Principles. we are uniquely placed to ensure the regulatory settlement funds are effectively distributed to reduce harm across England, Scotland and Wales. To date the funding from regulatory settlements to GambleAware has been used for specific, agreed purposes, helping to accelerate commissioning plans, including the reduction of inequalities, building capacity, improving knowledge and understanding of harms and raising awareness of the issue. The restricted funding has also played a part in stabilising the wider system of gambling harm prevention, support and treatment during the transition period from a voluntary to statutory levy system.

During the transition period until the statutory levy is introduced there is a need to ensure stability within the system. With this in mind, the Gambling Commission has agreed the regulatory settlement funding should be prioritised by GambleAware for system stabilisation to maintain programmes and infrastructure during the transition period until the statutory levy is implemented. GambleAware is required to provide the Gambling Commission with an annual report setting out the allocation of funds and outcomes achieved.  

Regulatory Settlement Fund: Contracted projects 

The following list provides information on current Regulatory Settlement funded projects. This information will be updated regularly.

Project Organisation(s)
System Stabilisation Fund 1.0 YGAM
System Stabilisation Fund 1.0 BetBlocker
System Stabilisation Fund 1.0 Epic Restart Foundation
System Stabilisation Fund 1.0 Gambling Harm UK
System Stabilisation Fund 2.0 Reframe Coaching
System Stabilisation Fund 2.0 YGAM
System Stabilisation Fund 2.0 BetBlocker
System Stabilisation Fund 2.0 Epic Restart Foundation
System Stabilisation Fund 2.0 Beacon Counselling Trust
System Stabilisation Fund 2.0 Gambling Harm UK
System Stabilisation Fund 2.0 Gordon Moody
Mobilising Local Systems - Equipping systems with data Parallel
Mobilising Local Systems - related data & evidence 2023/24 Senate / Polimapper, OSCI, Ipsos
Regulation of gambling marketing scoping studyIpsos
Inequalities Framework Stakeholders Mapping Alma Economics Limited
Effective interventions for the treatment of gambling that is associated with harm: Scoping Study NatCen Social Research
Gambling Harms FrameworkUniversity of Plymouth
LGBTQ+ Communities lived experience of gambling harmsThe University of Brighton 
LGBTQ+ Communities lived experience of gambling harmsYouGov
Self directed tools and strategies to prevent or reduce gambling harmBehavioural Insights Team with Bournemouth University
Open Grants    University of Plymouth
Open Grants     IFF
Open Grants     NATCEN
Open Grants    Social Finance 
Open Grants    Wolverhampton University
Improving OutcomesAdferiad Recovery
Improving OutcomesAge UK Lambeth
Improving OutcomesAl-Hurraya
Improving OutcomesBeacon Counselling Trust
Improving OutcomesBetBlocker
Improving OutcomesBetKnowMore UK
Improving OutcomesRedCard
Improving OutcomesComplete Woman CIC
Improving OutcomesCoram's Field
Improving OutcomesEPIC Restart Foundation
Improving OutcomesFaith Forum for London
Improving OutcomesGreater Govanhill Magazine
Improving OutcomesIMO Charity
Improving OutcomesInvesting in People and Culture
Improving OutcomesMoney Advice Plus
Improving OutcomesRecovery 4 All (ARA)
Improving OutcomesReframe Coaching
Improving OutcomesShama Women's Centre
Improving OutcomesSimon Community Scotland
Improving OutcomesSolihull Moors Foundation
Improving OutcomesSurrey County Council
Improving OutcomesThe Flowhesion Foundation
Improving OutcomesYellow Scarf CIC
Improving OutcomesYGAM
Improving OutcomesThrivin' Together

Regulatory Settlement Fund: Existing and upcoming opportunities

This section will be regularly updated with information on existing and upcoming commissioning activities supported by this Regulatory Settlement funding. Funding opportunities include:

  • System Stabilisation Fund - August & November 2023. Closed for applications
  • Regulatory Settlement Funded Research - Closed for applications
  • Improving Outcomes for Minority Communities and Women affected by gambling harm (formerly titled as Supporting System Innovations). Closed for applications
  • Mobilising Local Systems Funding Programme (formerly titled as Demonstrator Sites) – Phase 1: February 2024 (closed for applications) & Phase 2: Funding window open between April — October 2024

Please find more information on each opportunity below: 

1. System Stabilisation Fund - closed for applications

In keeping with the Gambling Commission’s Statement of Principles, funding from regulatory settlements to GambleAware will be used for specific, agreed purposes that accelerate our commissioning plans. One of the ways GambleAware is distributing these funds is through the System Stabilisation Fund. This fund is aimed at stabilising the system of gambling harm prevention, support, and treatment during the transition period from a voluntary to a statutory levy system. The fund is for organisations who have been impacted by the release of the white paper on gambling reform. This includes organisations whose funding has been disrupted, as well as organisations who are looking to proactively move away from industry funding. This funding is not intended to replace the voluntary donations funding model.

The table below details the outcome of the System Stabilisation Fund Round 1 - which was advertised in August 2023. The information includes the name of the successful applicants, the type of agreement award, the value that has been granted and start and end date of the grant agreement. One the agreement has ended there is not an option to extend past this date. 

OrganisationValueAgreement TypeStart DateInitial End Date
EPIC Restart Foundation£279,313.00Grant01/10/202331/03/2024
Gambling Harm UK£42,440.00Grant01/10/202331/03/2024

2. Regulatory Settlement Funded Research  

We will release funding on a rolling basis for a number of research opportunities. We anticipate the first call for proposals will be released by December 2023 of this financial year, and that research opportunities will include, for example: Scoping Studies, Open Call for Proposals and Primary Research Programmes. 

Researching and developing a new framework of gambling related harm call for proposals - closed for applications
GambleAware has announced a primary research funding opportunity to build on the findings of our recently published scoping review. This research should build on existing literature to establish an ongoing framework and measurement tool of gambling harms. This will address existing issues of conflating harms and behaviours, and avoid the use of stigmatising labels and the discrimination this causes, particularly for marginalised or minoritised communities. Closed for applications.

Open call for proposals - closed for applications
GambleAware has announced an open call for proposals for research to build the understanding of gambling harm across Great Britain, with a particular focus on building knowledge and understanding focussing on communities who bear disproportionate burden of gambling harm. A total maximum of 8 research grants will be awarded to grantees, and the budget envelope for each research grant is £247,900 over 18 months. Closed for applications.

LGBTQ+ call for proposals - closed for applications
GambleAware has announced a primary research funding opportunity to build the understanding of gambling harms in the LGBTQ+ community. In particular, this programme will build the evidence base on the structural drivers of harm or barriers to accessing support faced by the LGBTQ+ community. The budget envelope for this research grant is £297,900 over 18 months. Closed for applications.

Self-directed tools and strategies call for proposals - closed for applications
GambleAware has announced a primary research funding opportunity to build on the findings of our recently published scoping review. This research should investigate and test the motivations, efficacy and use of self-directed tools and strategies amongst those who experience gambling-related harms, particularly for marginalised communities or other communities who face additional barriers to accessing treatment in GB. The budget envelope for this research grant is £297,900 over 18 months. Closed for applications.

3. Improving Outcomes for women and minority communities affected by gambling harm - closed for applications

The overall ambition of the fund is to reduce the inequalities which exist relating to gambling harm for women and people minority communities, including ethnic minority groups, religious minority groups and people who do not speak English as their first language. 

In keeping with the Gambling Commission's Statement of Principles, funding from regulatory settlements to GambleAware is being used for specific, agreed purposes that accelerate our commissioning plans. One of the ways GambleAware is distributing these funds is through the Improving Outcomes Fund - recognising the increased levels of harm, burden and barriers in access to services which meet the needs of women and people from minority communities. 

The table below details the outcome of the Improving Outcomes Fund - which was advertised from 13th December 2023 to 31st January 2024. The table includes the name of the successful applicant, the names of delivery partners (if applicable) and the grant awarded. A total of 25 grants were awarded through the Improving Outcomes Fund, as follows: 


Lead applicantDelivery partner(s)Grant amount

Adferiad Recovery



Age UK Lambeth

Primary Care Gambling Service





ARA Recovery 4 All

Race Equality First 


Beacon Counselling Trust 

Preston Muslim Forum & RAISE



Yellow Scarf



Faith Forums for London


Complete Woman CIC



Coram's Field



EPIC Restart Foundation



Faiths Forum for London



Greater Govanhill Magazine



IMO Charity



Investing in People and Culture



Money Advice Plus

Breakeven & RISE


Red Card



Reframe Coaching



Shama Women's Centre

Turning Point (Leicester)


Simon Community Scotland

RCA Trust & Thrivin' Together


Solihull Moors Foundation



Surrey County Council

GamCare & VCSE organisations


The Flowhesion Foundation



Thrivin' Together



Yellow Scarf CIC

Midlands Migrant Support Centre 





4. Mobilising Local Systems Funding Programme

One of GambleAware’s strategic priorities is to transform capacity and capability by collaborating with public and voluntary sector organisations across England, Scotland, and Wales to support growth of an integrated system to prevent and reduce gambling harms.

The ‘Mobilising Local Systems’ (MLS) programme was established in 2022, and aims to support the continued development of an integrated system: ensuring that organisations, at a local and regional level, can deliver preventative interventions, support early identification of gambling harms, deliver holistic support and treatment, as well as ensuring people are able to live in communities that support their ongoing recovery.  

As part of the wider MLS programme, GambleAware has developed the MLS Funding Programme, which consists of two phases.

Phase 1 of the funding programme (now closed for applications) was aimed at supporting opportunities within the National Gambling Support Network (NGSN) to build collaborative ways of working with stakeholders across each region to help create a more integrated approach to gambling harms. These awards of up to £30K were agreed in March 2024.

Phase 2 of the MLS Funding Programme will provide a funding opportunity for NGSN Regional Boards to develop new approaches which lead to improved integration within local systems. The overall aim is to enable more people experiencing gambling harms to access support and treatment in a way that best meets their needs.  

Each of the 10 Regional Boards across Great Britain can apply for up to £100,000 via one of the NGSN regional providers. This should be used to support the delivery of a collaborative project to reduce gambling harm.