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Resources for professionals

Our resources are useful for anyone working in an advice-giving role in a professional setting. For example, health and social care workers, teachers and youth workers.

Our resources help professionals better understand gambling-related harms. With guidance on how to have stigma-free conversations and where to signpost for support.

GambleAware GB Maps - Local Authorities

Our interactive Local Authorities maps provide a clear picture of gambling harm prevalence across Great Britain, based on data from the Annual Great Britain Treatment and Support Survey. These maps reveal insights into the demand for treatment and support services in each local authority.

Explore gambling harms in your local authority

GambleAware GB Maps - Constituency Data

Our interactive Constituency maps provide a clear picture of gambling harm prevalence across Great Britain, based on data from the Annual Great Britain Treatment and Support Survey. These maps reveal insights into the demand for treatment and support services in each parliamentary constituency.

Explore gambling harms in your constituency
Showing 8 of 13 results

GambleAware Safer Gambling Messaging and Signposting Guidelines

In this document you will find evidence-based guidance for how to improve existing safer gambling messaging on gambling operator adverts. This is being provided to reduce gambling harm and to improve how support is signposted to those experiencing gambling harm.
In this document you will find evidence-based guidance for how to improve existing safer gambling messaging on gambling operator adverts. This is being provided to reduce gambling harm and to improve how support is signposted to those experiencing gambling harm.

How to reduce the stigma of gambling harms through language - A language guide

This 8-page booklet has been produced for anyone that wants to avoid stigmatising others with the language they use.
This 8-page booklet has been produced for anyone that wants to avoid stigmatising others with the language they use.

12 ways to reduce stigma when discussing gambling harms – a language guide

This guide aims to reduce stigma by giving examples of language to avoid when talking about gambling harms, and alternatives that help reduce stigma.
This guide aims to reduce stigma by giving examples of language to avoid when talking about gambling harms, and alternatives that help reduce stigma.

Stigma campaign partner toolkit 2023

We need your help as a campaign partner to ensure our message is reaching those who may need it most, at the right time and place. We've created a suite of downloadable assets for you to share across your internal and external channels, accessible via this toolkit.
We need your help as a campaign partner to ensure our message is reaching those who may need it most, at the right time and place. We've created a suite of downloadable assets for you to share across your internal and external channels, accessible via this toolkit.

Media guidelines for reporting on gambling and gambling harms

These guidelines are designed to be supportive, advisory and are in no way intended to limit press freedom. Their objective is to reinforce industry code of practice and editorial policies, to support journalists and programme makers in producing the highest standards of coverage around gambling and gambling harms.
These guidelines are designed to be supportive, advisory and are in no way intended to limit press freedom. Their objective is to reinforce industry code of practice and editorial policies, to support journalists and programme makers in producing the highest standards of coverage around gambling and gambling harms.

Lesson pack: Exploring risk in relation to gambling (KS2)

As part of the partnership between GambleAware and the PSHE Association, materials have been published for teachers working with primary pupils (Key stage 2).
As part of the partnership between GambleAware and the PSHE Association, materials have been published for teachers working with primary pupils (Key stage 2).

Exploring risk in relation to gambling lesson pack (KS2) Lesson 1

The first lesson, ‘Exploring risk’, is designed for any year group in KS2 and explores pupils’ understanding and assessment of risk in a variety of situations.
The first lesson, ‘Exploring risk’, is designed for any year group in KS2 and explores pupils’ understanding and assessment of risk in a variety of situations.

Exploring risk in relation to gambling lesson pack (KS2) Lesson 2

The second lesson ‘Chancing it!’, is designed for Year 6 pupils and explores risk in relation to gambling.
The second lesson ‘Chancing it!’, is designed for Year 6 pupils and explores risk in relation to gambling.
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However you’re feeling right now, we’re here to help.

The National Gambling Support Network helps people struggling with gambling, and people who are worried about someone else’s gambling.

Call or chat online to an advisor, and speak one-to-one for confidential advice, information and support.

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