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Resources for professionals

Our resources are useful for anyone working in an advice-giving role in a professional setting. For example, health and social care workers, teachers and youth workers.

Our resources help professionals better understand gambling-related harms. With guidance on how to have stigma-free conversations and where to signpost for support.

GambleAware GB Maps - Local Authorities

Our interactive Local Authorities maps provide a clear picture of gambling harm prevalence across Great Britain, based on data from the Annual Great Britain Treatment and Support Survey. These maps reveal insights into the demand for treatment and support services in each local authority.

Explore gambling harms in your local authority

GambleAware GB Maps - Constituency Data

Our interactive Constituency maps provide a clear picture of gambling harm prevalence across Great Britain, based on data from the Annual Great Britain Treatment and Support Survey. These maps reveal insights into the demand for treatment and support services in each parliamentary constituency.

Explore gambling harms in your constituency
Showing 13 of 13 results

PSHE Association: One-page briefings

This set of four one-page briefings from the PSHE Association in partnership with GambleAware covers a selection of key content from the teacher handbook.
This set of four one-page briefings from the PSHE Association in partnership with GambleAware covers a selection of key content from the teacher handbook.

Welsh Gambling Education guidance: Demos and the PSHE Association

This Welsh translation of the Demos pilot intervention in secondary schools across England and Wales with pupils aged 14-15 aimed to teach and minimise the risks associated with gambling and signpost where to go for help and support.
This Welsh translation of the Demos pilot intervention in secondary schools across England and Wales with pupils aged 14-15 aimed to teach and minimise the risks associated with gambling and signpost where to go for help and support.

Welsh Gambling Education lesson slides: Demos and the PSHE Association

The Welsh translation of Demos materials for use in secondary schools with pupils aged 14-15 aimed to teach and minimise the risks associated with gambling and signpost where to go for help and support.
The Welsh translation of Demos materials for use in secondary schools with pupils aged 14-15 aimed to teach and minimise the risks associated with gambling and signpost where to go for help and support.

How to address gambling through PSHE education

GambleAware is working in partnership with the PSHE Association to support children and young people to understand, and avoid, risks associated with gambling. The first product of this partnership is this teacher handbook.
GambleAware is working in partnership with the PSHE Association to support children and young people to understand, and avoid, risks associated with gambling. The first product of this partnership is this teacher handbook.

Resources for promoting resilience to gambling: Demos and the PSHE Association

This free resource was produced as part of a collaboration between Demos, the PSHE Association, Mentor and the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust and was commissioned by GambleAware.
This free resource was produced as part of a collaboration between Demos, the PSHE Association, Mentor and the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust and was commissioned by GambleAware.
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