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Our research supports work to prevent and reduce gambling harms. We have a key role to play in supporting others to do research, and to grow research capability across the field. We publish our research so it can be accessed for free by anyone. Use the filters below to explore our publications.

We produce research on:

  • Understanding gambling harms
  • Gambling harm stigma
  • Impact on communities
  • Prevention programmes
  • Support and treatment services
  • Policy and regulation
Showing 110 of 168 results

Gambling Treatment Services Needs Assessment Report

This report by ACT Recovery, commissioned by GambleAware, examines treatment needs and gaps for problem gamblers in Great Britain using mixed methods, including literature review, analysis of treatment data, site visits, and workshops.

This report by ACT Recovery, commissioned by GambleAware, examines treatment needs and gaps for problem gamblers in Great Britain using mixed methods, including literature review, analysis of treatment data, site visits, and workshops.

Secondary Data Analysis of the Data Reporting Framework and the Health Survey for England

This secondary data analysis by NatCen Social Research, commissioned by GambleAware, compares characteristics of gamblers in the general population to those accessing treatment in England and Scotland.

This secondary data analysis by NatCen Social Research, commissioned by GambleAware, compares characteristics of gamblers in the general population to those accessing treatment in England and Scotland.

Biddable Youth: Sports and esports Gambling Advertising on Twitter: Appeal to children, young people and vulnerable adults

This report by Demos and the University of Bristol, commissioned by GambleAware, examines gambling advertising on Twitter, analysing tweets from betting accounts and measuring how children and vulnerable groups interact with this content.

This report by Demos and the University of Bristol, commissioned by GambleAware, examines gambling advertising on Twitter, analysing tweets from betting accounts and measuring how children and vulnerable groups interact with this content.

A Rapid Evidence Assessment of Gambling Treatment Services

This report by NatCen Social Research for GambleAware examines usage of and demand for gambling treatment and support services amongst gamblers and affected others in Great Britain.

This report by NatCen Social Research for GambleAware examines usage of and demand for gambling treatment and support services amongst gamblers and affected others in Great Britain.

Scoping Current Evidence and Evidence-Gaps in Research on Gambling-Related Suicide

This report, commissioned by GambleAware, summarises discussions from a workshop on gambling-related suicide research gaps and priorities.

This report, commissioned by GambleAware, summarises discussions from a workshop on gambling-related suicide research gaps and priorities.

Measuring gambling-related harms: A Framework for action

This report, created by gambling experts, defines gambling-related harms and proposes a framework for measuring their social costs. It aims to improve understanding and monitoring of gambling impacts.

This report, created by gambling experts, defines gambling-related harms and proposes a framework for measuring their social costs. It aims to improve understanding and monitoring of gambling impacts.

The effect of gambling marketing and advertising on children, young people and vulnerable adults - Interim Synthesis Report

This interim synthesis report by Ipsos MORI, commissioned by GambleAware, examines the exposure, tone and content of gambling advertising and marketing in the UK.

This interim synthesis report by Ipsos MORI, commissioned by GambleAware, examines the exposure, tone and content of gambling advertising and marketing in the UK.

Interim Synthesis Report Executive Summary - The effect of gambling marketing and advertising on children, young people and vulnerable adults

This interim report by Ipsos, commissioned by GambleAware, synthesises findings from multiple research strands examining gambling marketing and advertising in the UK, focusing on exposure and content.

This interim report by Ipsos, commissioned by GambleAware, synthesises findings from multiple research strands examining gambling marketing and advertising in the UK, focusing on exposure and content.

Exploring problem gambling, loneliness and lifetime suicidal behaviours: a cross-sectional study using the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007

This report, commissioned by GambleAware, analyses data from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey to explore associations between problem gambling, loneliness, and lifetime suicidal behaviours in England.

This report, commissioned by GambleAware, analyses data from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey to explore associations between problem gambling, loneliness, and lifetime suicidal behaviours in England.

The Effect of Gambling Marketing and Advertising on Children, Young People and Vulnerable People: Qualitative Research Report

This report by ScotCen Social Research, commissioned by GambleAware, examines the impact of gambling marketing on children, young people and vulnerable groups in the UK through qualitative research with focus groups and interviews.

This report by ScotCen Social Research, commissioned by GambleAware, examines the impact of gambling marketing on children, young people and vulnerable groups in the UK through qualitative research with focus groups and interviews.

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