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Our research supports work to prevent and reduce gambling harms. We have a key role to play in supporting others to do research, and to grow research capability across the field. We publish our research so it can be accessed for free by anyone. Use the filters below to explore our publications.

We produce research on:

  • Understanding gambling harms
  • Gambling harm stigma
  • Impact on communities
  • Prevention programmes
  • Support and treatment services
  • Policy and regulation
Showing 90 of 168 results

Annual Statistics from the National Gambling Treatment Service (Great Britain) 2018/2019

Annual statistical analysis of National Gambling Treatment Service data for Great Britain from 2018 to 2019, examining client characteristics, gambling behaviours, treatment access and outcomes.

Annual statistical analysis of National Gambling Treatment Service data for Great Britain from 2018 to 2019, examining client characteristics, gambling behaviours, treatment access and outcomes.

Disproportionate burdens of gambling harms among minority communities: A review of the literature

This review by GambleAware examines why minority communities in Great Britain experience higher levels of gambling harm compared to the general population.

This review by GambleAware examines why minority communities in Great Britain experience higher levels of gambling harm compared to the general population.

The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on gambling behaviour, harms and demand for treatment and support

This report by YouGov for GambleAware examines how the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown impacted gambling behaviour and harms in Great Britain.

This report by YouGov for GambleAware examines how the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown impacted gambling behaviour and harms in Great Britain.

Evaluation of GameChange, GamCare’s Pilot cCBT Programme

This report evaluates GamCare's pilot computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) programme for problem gambling, called GameChange. It was conducted by GambleAware to assess the early implementation and uptake of the service.

This report evaluates GamCare's pilot computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) programme for problem gambling, called GameChange. It was conducted by GambleAware to assess the early implementation and uptake of the service.

Exploring "what works" in creating infrastructures and engagement methods for people with lived experience within public health, health and social care, and addiction research

This report by King's College London examines evidence on involving people with lived experience in public health, healthcare and addiction services, to inform approaches in the gambling sector.

This report by King's College London examines evidence on involving people with lived experience in public health, healthcare and addiction services, to inform approaches in the gambling sector.

Setting up a service for gambling addiction: a formative evaluation of the NHS Northern Gambling Clinic Leeds Hub

This report evaluates the setup of the NHS Northern Gambling Clinic Leeds Hub (NGSLH). It was conducted by Leeds Beckett University to provide insights for developing future gambling treatment services.

This report evaluates the setup of the NHS Northern Gambling Clinic Leeds Hub (NGSLH). It was conducted by Leeds Beckett University to provide insights for developing future gambling treatment services.

Examining the frequency and nature of gambling marketing in televised broadcasts of professional sporting events in the United Kingdom

This study by researchers at the University of Stirling, commissioned by GambleAware, examines the frequency and nature of gambling marketing in televised sports broadcasts in the UK.

This study by researchers at the University of Stirling, commissioned by GambleAware, examines the frequency and nature of gambling marketing in televised sports broadcasts in the UK.

Process and Impact Evaluation of the Multi-Operator Self-Exclusion Schemes - Baseline report (Evaluation Phase 1)

This evaluation report by Ipsos, commissioned by GambleAware, examines the effectiveness of Multi-Operator Self-Exclusion Schemes in the gambling industry.

This evaluation report by Ipsos, commissioned by GambleAware, examines the effectiveness of Multi-Operator Self-Exclusion Schemes in the gambling industry.

Women in Focus: a secondary data analysis of the Gambling Treatment and Support study

This report by YouGov analyses survey data on women's experiences of gambling and gambling harm in Britain.

This report by YouGov analyses survey data on women's experiences of gambling and gambling harm in Britain.

The effect of gambling marketing and advertising on children, young people and vulnerable adults

This scoping review by Bournemouth University examines the impact of gambling marketing on children, young people and vulnerable adults in the UK. It uses multiple research methods to explore exposure, appeal and potential harms.

This scoping review by Bournemouth University examines the impact of gambling marketing on children, young people and vulnerable adults in the UK. It uses multiple research methods to explore exposure, appeal and potential harms.

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